A reminder from Pathways for Justice Ministry’s (PFJ) April Garden Plant Fundraiser Sale! Gearing up for the spring plant sale, PFJ could use your help in collecting the following:
* Small and large plantings, especially gallon size or larger;
* Bulbs, vegetables, succulents---your choices too!
* Small, large, used and new planters and pots--especially decorative ones—cleaned, if needed;
* Garden Art, including Bird Feeders, Chimes, etc.
Collect and begin to grow now for future donations to the sale!! Please, please, please remember to label your plant donations. We can help!
For additional information, please contact Jane Potter at [email protected] or Karen Shepard at [email protected] or 530-383-6133
Thank you in advance for your efforts to make the Plant Sale on April 26-27 a success!!!
-FrancisFest Fundraising Committee