Saint Francis
of Assisi
Sacramento, CA    Home  |  Schedule of Services  |  The Liturgical Year  |  Liturgical Ministries


procession A variety of people with diverse gifts and skills contribute to the creation, prayerfulness, and beauty of the liturgies here at St. Francis.

Ministry is a vital part of our stewardship commitment of: time, talent, and treasure. Liturgical Ministers are servants of the liturgy and, in all things, serve the gathered assembly.

As a Liturgical Minister, you must...

  • be a registered, actively participating member of St. Francis of Assisi Parish
  • exhibit an attitude of service toward the community
  • make a commitment of ONE YEAR as a minister
  • be reliable and responsible
  • attend annual workshop/day of prayer

In addition, each Ministry has its own additional requirements, which are listed below along with a description of each ministry.

Acolyte Ministry
assisting at the altar

As an Acolyte, you...

  • Assist the presider during the liturgy
  • hold the liturgical books for the presider
  • prepare the altar and the sacred vessels at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • serve as a Minister of the Cup during communion
To be an Acolyte, you must...

  • be a longtime participant as a liturgical minister of St. Francis
  • currently be a Eucharistic Minister
  • possess a quiet grace-filled presence
  • have a knowledge of liturgical terms
  • be able to arrive 30 minutes prior to the liturgy in which you are scheduled to serve

Extraordinary Minister of Communion
gathering around the altar

As an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, you...

  • serve the Eucharistic meal as Minister of the Bread or
    Minister of the Cup
  • acknowledge, through eye contact and reverent distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ, the presence of Christ in each person you encounter
  • are a member of a team that serves the same weekend every month
  • are a Sign of our communal pledge to serve one another, which Christ asked of us when he washed the feet of his disciples
To be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, you must...

  • be at least 16 years of age
  • commit to serving at a given mass ONCE A MONTH
  • be able to arrive 30 minutes prior to the liturgy in which you are scheduled to serve and remain 10 minutes after Mass to help clean the Eucharistic vessels

Funeral Planning
greeting at the church entrance

We provide assistance in planning Funerals, Memorial Services, Rosaries, and Vigils that reflect the rich liturgical tradition of the parish. During this challenging time, we help parishioners and their families select appropriate scriptural readings, prayers and music that have special significance for their family. We also arrange for musicians and vocalists, work with funeral homes and cemeteries, and provide support to the family and friends of those who have died.

Lector - Minister of the Word

As a Minister of the Word, you...

  • are part of a long line of oral tradition whose task it is to AROUSE a living faith
  • lift God's Word from the written page and give it LIFE
  • proclaim God's Word to the community with CONVICTION, PASSION, and TRANSPARENT FAITH
  • lead the assembly in prayer as you pray the Prayers of the Faithful
  • GATHER with fellow lectors, on the Monday evening before you are scheduled to serve, to break open the Word and to work on the skills necessary to be an effective proclaimer and leader of prayer
To be a Minister of the Word, you must...

  • be a fully initiated Catholic, at least 12 years of age
  • be able to arrive 30 minutes prior to the liturgy in which you are scheduled to serve
  • be available to attend the Monday evening Lector Meeting
  • possess the qualities of a good voice: ENERGY, CLARITY, and EXPRESSION
  • commit to personal prayer/preparation time
  • participate in an audition discernment process

Lighting & Sound Ministry

As a Minister of Lighting & Sound, you...

  • set up all sound equipment used in the liturgy
  • set up the chairs, music stands, and lights for the music ministers
  • get out the wireless microphones for those who will need them, checking and replacing batteries as needed
  • take down and put away all equipment after the liturgy
To be a Minister of Lighting & Sound, you must...

  • possess good hearing
  • possess a certain degree of mechanical aptitude
  • be able to arrive 45 minutes prior to the liturgy for which you are scheduled to serve and remain 15 minutes afterwards
  • apprentice with a current minister until you're trained

Linen Ministry

As a Member of the Linen Ministry, you...

  • serve once a month, washing, drying, and ironing the linens used for our liturgical celebrations
  • pick up the linens from the sacristy on Sunday and return them the following weekend
  • provide your own cleaning and ironing supplies to accomplish your ministry

To be a Minister of the Linen Ministry, you must...

  • be able to commit to serving ONCE A MONTH, the same weekend every month
  • enjoy doing laundry
  • possess a washing machine, dryer, iron, and ironing board

Liturgy Preparation Team

As a Member of the Liturgy Preparation Team, you...

  • bring your creativity and unique talents to the preparation process
  • meet throughout the year as part of various seasonal teams, participating in the planning, creation and implementation of various elements of our liturgies, such as seasonal church environment, Communal Reconciliation services, scripture dramatizations, etc.
  • nurture the community's prayer and worship, searching out expressions of our faith that engage the senses and expand the horizons of our worship
  • choose the level of your total time commitment and involvement
To be a Member of the Liturgy Preparation Team, you must...

  • have a willing enthusiasm to be more deeply involved in liturgy
  • be aware that this ministry requires a significant time commitment
  • be committed to the ideals of Vatican II
  • be willing to study the scriptures and supplemental materials as needed

Music Ministry
performing music
performing music

As a Music Minister, you...

  • serve the community's worship be leading the assembly in sung prayer
  • possess some competency in the performance of music
  • are a member of either the 5:15PM Saturday or the 9:30AM Choirs; or you are one of the individual cantors at our 7:30AM or 12:00PM Sunday liturgies.
  • or you are part of the children's choir singing at the Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) during the 9:30AM Sunday liturgy
To be a Music Minister, you must...

  • enjoy singing and/or playing an instrument
  • be aware that this ministry requires a SIGNIFICANT TIME COMMITMENT, not only in our liturgies but also has a minimum requirement of one rehearsal a week
  • commit to additional personal preparation time

Sacred Movement Ministry
woman dancing

As a Member of the Sacred Movement Ministry, you...

  • create movement and dance that will enhance the community's prayer and worship
  • are visual prayer
  • inspire and motivate the community to participate more fully in WHOLE body prayer
  • faithfully attend all necessary rehearsals prior to a worship performance
To be a Member of the Sacred Movement Ministry, you must...

  • be able to faithfully attend and actively participate in rehearsals as scheduled
  • cultivate a graceful prayerfulness when dancing
  • commit to personal prayer and dance preparation time at home

Sacristan Ministry

As a Sacristan, you...

  • are the first to arrive before the liturgy and you unlock the doors, turn on the lights, and adjust the heating and cooling
  • prepare the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things necessary for the celebration of liturgy
  • place the correct amounts of the bread and wine in the sacred vessels
  • dress the altar
  • gather all the necessary vessels and objects for the worship space and place them in their proper place
To be a Sacristan, you must...

  • be able to arrive early: 30-45 minutes before the liturgy
  • be a fully initiated Catholic
  • currently be a Liturgical Minister, preferably a Eucharistic Minister
  • be a longtime participant as a liturgical minister at St. Francis
  • have a knowledge of liturgical terms

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