If tuition is a financial burden on your family, please contact the Faith Formation Team at [email protected] for information regarding tuition help through scholarship.
Step 4 - Submit baptismal certificate
A copy of the baptismal certificate is required for children who will receive First Communion or Confirmation in 2024-2025 Faith Formation year. Simply scan a copy of the certificate and email it to [email protected] or mail a copy to the Parish Center at 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism Preparation
For the baptism of infants and children through First Grade, please refer to the Children’s Baptism tab under Sacraments on the parish web site menu.
First Communion and Reconciliation Preparation
Children who are already baptized normally receive First Communion and Reconciliation (Confession) in Second Grade after a two-year preparation in our parish school or Faith Formation Program. Dates for the celebration of these sacraments, and any additional activities, have not yet been determined.
Confirmation Preparation
Children who are baptized and have received First Communion and Reconciliation normally receive Confirmation in the Seventh Grade after a two-year preparation in our parish school or Faith Formation Program. In addition to two years of classroom attendance, Confirmation candidates also participate in a diocesan Confirmation Conference, a parish retreat, and an interview process. Dates for the celebration of Confirmation and any related activities have not yet been determined.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is adapted for school age children and teens over the age of 7 who have missed Sacraments of Initiation. This includes:
children and teens who were never baptized
children and teens who were baptized as infants, either Catholic or in another Christian denomination, but never received any formal faith formation and have had little or no connection with Church
This is a two-year process - a year of Inquiry to learn about the Catholic faith followed by a Catechumenate year. Children and teens in this process receive all the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion - at the Easter Vigil on the night before Easter. Contact the Faith Formation Team at [email protected] for more information.